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Antique Swords of Borneo

INDO669: Dayak Mandau Sword


INDO669: Dayak Mandau Sword

This is a good quality late 19th or early 20th century Dayak Mandau sword that is in a more modern mid 20th century scabbard. The well carved and intricate antler handle has a large Aso head with open mouth and big teeth. The well forged blade has a concave and convex side as well as Aso heads chiseled into the blade. The quality steel has a slight pattern and hardened edge showing. The scabbard was made, or was at least decorated at a later date with goats hair that is held on with tree pitch.     

25.5" overall with a 20.5" blade thetas 5/16" thick at the back edge.. 19th / early 20th century, Borneo, Indonesia.    ....$550.00

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